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*Genes with the same numbers are orthologs
Genome | Locus tag | Annotation | Location in barcode | Core/Accessory gene | NC_011274 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Gallinarum str. 287/91 chromosome, complete genome. |
1 | SG2468 | ptsJ,transcriptional regulator (dir) [2538241..2539533] | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SG1799 | hypothetical protein (rev) [1872078..1872836] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SG1979 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (rev) [2039847..2040302] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SG4152 | dmsC2,dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SG2317 | aldolase (rev) [2380950..2381753] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SG4031 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (rev) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SG4125 | heme lyase subunit NrfE (dir) [4354953..4356689] | [5335-7071] | Core |
8 | SG3511 | hemX,uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7122-8261] | Core |
9 | SG2222 | oxidoreductase (dir) [2275783..2277024] | [8312-9553] | Core |
10 | SG0102 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [9604-10299] | Core |
NC_003197 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. LT2 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | STM2436 | ptsJ,regulatory protein (dir) [2548503..2549795] | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | STM1317 | celG,hypothetical protein (dir) [1396312..1397070] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | STM1143 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (dir) [1231133..1231588] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | STM4307 | anaerobic dimethylsulfoxide reductase | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | STM2289 | aldolase (rev) [2396040..2396843] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | STM3407 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | STM4281 | nrfE,formate-dependent nitrite reductase | [5335-7557] | Core |
8 | STM3936 | hemX,uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7608-8777] | Core |
9 | STM2186 | oxidoreductase (dir) [2281393..2282634] | [8828-10069] | Core |
10 | STM0101 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10120-10815] | Core |
NC_006905 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Choleraesuis str. SC-B67 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SC2434 | ptsJ,GntR family transcriptional regulator | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SC1338 | celG,hypothetical protein (dir) [1434975..1435733] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SC1091 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (dir) [1211218..1211673] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SC4185 | anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SC2292 | yfaU,aldolase (rev) [2410321..2411124] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SC3343 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SC4160 | nrfE,formate-dependent nitrite reductase | [5335-7557] | Core |
8 | SC3837 | hemX,uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7608-8777] | Core |
9 | SC2203 | yeiT,oxidoreductase (dir) [2303907..2305148] | [8828-10069] | Core |
10 | SC0095 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10120-10815] | Core |
NC_011094 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Schwarzengrund str. CVM19633 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SeSA_A2672 | GntR family transcriptional regulator | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SeSA_A1414 | hypothetical protein (dir) [1362984..1363742] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SeSA_A1209 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (dir) [1189441..1189896] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SeSA_A4562 | dmsC,dmso reductase anchor subunit (dir) | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SeSA_A2517 | aldolase (rev) [2401941..2402744] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SeSA_A3604 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SeSA_A4533 | ccmF,heme lyase subunit NrfE (dir) [4410387..4412123] | [5335-7071] | Core |
8 | SeSA_A4149 | uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7122-8291] | Core |
9 | SeSA_A2425 | oxidoreductase (dir) [2301859..2303100] | [8342-9583] | Core |
10 | SeSA_A0112 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [9634-10329] | Core |
NC_016856 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. 14028S chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | STM14_2994 | ptsJ,putative regulatory protein (dir) | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | STM14_1599 | celG,hypothetical protein (dir) [1406288..1407046] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | STM14_1309 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (dir) [1189295..1189750] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | STM14_5180 | putative anaerobic dimethylsulfoxide reductas | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | STM14_2826 | putative aldolase (rev) [2447593..2448396] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | STM14_4110 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | STM14_5147 | nrfE,formate-dependent nitrite reductase | [5335-7557] | Core |
8 | STM14_4735 | hemX,putative uroporphyrinogen II C-methyltransferase | [7608-8777] | Core |
9 | STM14_2693 | putative oxidoreductase (dir) [2332946..2334187] | [8828-10069] | Core |
10 | STM14_0120 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10120-10815] | Core |
NC_015761 Salmonella bongori NCTC 12419, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SBG_2234 | ptsJ,transcriptional regulator (dir) [2432242..2433534] | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SBG_1171 | hypothetical protein (dir) [1283748..1284506] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SBG_0981 | csgB,nucleation component of curlin monomers | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SBG_3751 | dmsC3,dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SBG_0952 | hpcH,2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-ene-1,7-dioic | [3483-4274] | Core |
6 | SBG_3018 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4325-5272] | Core |
7 | SBG_3376 | ccmF,cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein | [5323-7254] | Core |
8 | SBG_3475 | hemX,uroporphyrinogen III methylase (rev) | [7305-8486] | Core |
9 | SBG_1998 | oxidoreductase (dir) [2173829..2175070] | [8537-9778] | Core |
10 | SBG_0087 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [9829-10524] | Core |
NC_011080 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Newport str. SL254 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SNSL254_A2630 | GntR family transcriptional regulator | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SNSL254_A1431 | hypothetical protein (dir) [1398282..1399040] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SNSL254_A1239 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (dir) [1232920..1233375] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SNSL254_A4653 | dmsC,dmso reductase anchor subunit (dir) | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SNSL254_A2474 | aldolase (rev) [2397802..2398605] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SNSL254_A3676 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SNSL254_A4626 | heme lyase subunit NrfE (dir) [4510933..4513155] | [5335-7557] | Core |
8 | SNSL254_A4218 | uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7608-8777] | Core |
9 | SNSL254_A2376 | oxidoreductase (dir) [2292617..2293858] | [8828-10069] | Core |
10 | SNSL254_A0108 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10120-10815] | Core |
NC_011205 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Dublin str. CT_02021853 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SeD_A2802 | GntR family transcriptional regulator | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SeD_A2027 | hypothetical protein (rev) [1960557..1961315] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SeD_A2230 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (rev) [2135409..2135864] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SeD_A4702 | dmsC,dmso reductase anchor subunit (dir) | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SeD_A2633 | aldolase (rev) [2517192..2517995] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SeD_A3774 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SeD_A4675 | ccmF,heme lyase subunit NrfE (dir) [4535286..4537508] | [5335-7557] | Core |
8 | SeD_A4325 | uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7608-8777] | Core |
9 | SeD_A2533 | oxidoreductase (dir) [2411938..2413179] | [8828-10069] | Core |
10 | SeD_A0105 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10120-10815] | Core |
NC_003198 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. CT18 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | STY2674 | ptsJ,transcriptional regulator (dir) [2509322..2510614] | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | STY1796 | hypothetical protein (rev) [1716184..1716942] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | STY1180 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (dir) [1141409..1141864] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | STY4508 | dmsC,dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | STY2519 | aldolase (rev) [2353637..2354440] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | STY4390 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (rev) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | STY4479 | heme lyase subunit NrfE (dir) [4364950..4366686] | [5335-7071] | Core |
8 | STY3623 | hemX,uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7122-8291] | Core |
9 | STY2416 | oxidoreductase (dir) [2246976..2248217] | [8342-9583] | Core |
10 | STY0118 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [9634-10329] | Core |
NC_006511 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi A str. ATCC 9150 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SPA0429 | ptsJ,transcriptional regulator (rev) [497669..498961] | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SPA1527 | celG,hypothetical protein (rev) [1601771..1602529] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SPA1708 | csgB,curlin monomer nucleation protein | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SPA4125 | dmsC,anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SPA0574 | 2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-ene-1,7-dioic acid | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SPA3274 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SPA4098 | nrfE,cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein | [5335-7071] | Core |
8 | SPA3777 | hemX,uroporphyrinogen III methylase (rev) | [7122-8291] | Core |
9 | SPA0665 | oxidoreductase (rev) [748627..749868] | [8342-9583] | Core |
10 | SPA0103 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [9634-10329] | Core |
NC_016810 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. SL1344, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SL1344_2399 | ptsJ,putative transcriptional regulator | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SL1344_1252 | hypothetical protein (dir) [1353165..1353923] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SL1344_1080 | csgB,nucleation component of curlin monomers | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SL1344_4244 | dmsC,putative dimethyl sulfoxide reductase | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SL1344_2258 | putative 2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-ene-1,7-dioic | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SL1344_3374 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SL1344_4217 | nrfE,formate-dependent nitrite reductase, | [5335-7557] | Core |
8 | SL1344_3891 | hemX,uroporphyrinogen III methylase (rev) | [7608-8777] | Core |
9 | SL1344_2163 | putative oxidoreductase (dir) [2279109..2280350] | [8828-10069] | Core |
10 | SL1344_0101 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10120-10815] | Core |
NC_016832 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. P-stx-12, complete genome. | ||||
1 | STBHUCCB_4570 | transcriptional regulatory protein ptsJ | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | STBHUCCB_12850 | hypothetical protein (dir) [1263161..1263919] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | STBHUCCB_18880 | Minor curlin subunit (rev) [1836354..1836809] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | STBHUCCB_44590 | Dmso reductase anchor subunit (dir) [4371931..4372704] | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | STBHUCCB_6150 | 2-keto-3-deoxy-L-rhamnonate aldolase (dir) | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | STBHUCCB_43340 | Methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (rev) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | STBHUCCB_44280 | Cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein nrfE | [5335-7071] | Core |
8 | STBHUCCB_35490 | Uroporphyrinogen III methylase (dir) [3450977..3452146] | [7122-8291] | Core |
9 | STBHUCCB_7170 | putative oxidoreductase yeiT (rev) [755674..756915] | [8342-9583] | Core |
10 | STBHUCCB_1180 | L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase ulaF | [9634-10398] | Core |
NC_016831 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Gallinarum/pullorum str. RKS5078 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SPUL_0445 | ptsJ,putative transcriptional regulator | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SPUL_1134 | hypothetical protein (dir) [1161576..1162334] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SPUL_0942 | csgB,nucleation component of curlin monomers | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SPUL_4299 | dmsC2,putative dimethyl sulfoxide reductase | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SPUL_0602 | putative 2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-ene-1,7-dioic | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SPUL_4174 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (rev) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SPUL_4272 | cytochrome c-type biogenesis protein (dir) | [5335-7071] | Core |
8 | SPUL_3493 | hypothetical protein (dir) [3510044..3511213] | [7122-8291] | Core |
9 | SPUL_0703 | putative oxidoreductase (rev) [757526..758767] | [8342-9583] | Core |
10 | SPUL_0106 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [9634-10329] | Core |
NC_016860 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. T000240, complete genome. | ||||
1 | STMDT12_C24550 | GntR family transcriptional regulator | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | STMDT12_C13340 | hypothetical protein (dir) [1393999..1394757] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | STMDT12_C11610 | csgB,minor curlin protein CsgB (dir) [1228792..1229274] | [2153-2635] | Core |
4 | STMDT12_C44390 | DMSO reductase anchor subunit (dir) [4652336..4653109] | [2686-3459] | Core |
5 | STMDT12_C23100 | putative aldolase (rev) [2391583..2392386] | [3510-4313] | Core |
6 | STMDT12_C34610 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4364-5311] | Core |
7 | STMDT12_C44160 | formate-dependent nitrite reductase (dir) | [5362-7584] | Core |
8 | STMDT12_C40860 | putative uroporphyrinogen II C-methyltransferase | [7635-8804] | Core |
9 | STMDT12_C22070 | putative oxidoreductase (dir) [2276935..2278176] | [8855-10096] | Core |
10 | STMDT12_C01010 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10147-10842] | Core |
NC_016863 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. UK-1 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | STMUK_2468 | ptsJ,putative regulatory protein (dir) | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | STMUK_1284 | celG,hypothetical protein (dir) [1354478..1355236] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | STMUK_1111 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (dir) [1188586..1189041] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | STMUK_4292 | putative anaerobic dimethylsulfoxide reductas | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | STMUK_2319 | putative aldolase (rev) [2395785..2396588] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | STMUK_3393 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | STMUK_4266 | nrfE,formate-dependent nitrite reductase | [5335-7557] | Core |
8 | STMUK_3922 | hemX,putative uroporphyrinogen II C-methyltransferase | [7608-8777] | Core |
9 | STMUK_2216 | putative oxidoreductase (dir) [2281138..2282379] | [8828-10069] | Core |
10 | STMUK_0102 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10120-10815] | Core |
NC_016857 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. ST4/74 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | STM474_2539 | ptsJ,putative regulatory protein (dir) | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | STM474_1322 | chbg,hypothetical protein (dir) [1353165..1353923] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | STM474_1138 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (dir) [1187273..1187728] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | STM474_4503 | dmsC,dmso reductase anchor subunit (dir) | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | STM474_2385 | putative aldolase (rev) [2393756..2394559] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | STM474_3572 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | STM474_4477 | nrfE,formate-dependent nitrite reductase | [5335-7557] | Core |
8 | STM474_4114 | hemX,putative uroporphyrinogen II C-methyltransferase | [7608-8777] | Core |
9 | STM474_2275 | putative oxidoreductase (dir) [2279067..2280350] | [8828-10111] | Core |
10 | STM474_0104 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10162-10857] | Core |
NC_011083 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Heidelberg str. SL476 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SeHA_C2696 | GntR family transcriptional regulator | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SeHA_C1446 | hypothetical protein (dir) [1401357..1402115] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SeHA_C1254 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (dir) [1235481..1235936] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SeHA_C4653 | dmsC,dmso reductase anchor subunit (dir) | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SeHA_C2529 | aldolase (rev) [2443602..2444405] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SeHA_C3711 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SeHA_C4624 | ccmF,heme lyase subunit NrfE (dir) [4515782..4517518] | [5335-7071] | Core |
8 | SeHA_C4266 | uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7122-8291] | Core |
9 | SeHA_C2421 | oxidoreductase (dir) [2328981..2330222] | [8342-9583] | Core |
10 | SeHA_C0107 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [9634-10329] | Core |
NC_011147 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi A str. AKU_12601 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SSPA0403 | transcriptional regulator (rev) [497703..498995] | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SSPA1418 | hypothetical protein (rev) [1596952..1597710] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SSPA1589 | curlin minor subunit (rev) [1762471..1762926] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SSPA3830 | anaerobic dimethyl sulfoxide reductase | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SSPA0538 | aldolase (dir) [648482..649285] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SSPA3053 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SSPA3805 | heme lyase subunit NrfE (dir) [4267427..4269163] | [5335-7071] | Core |
8 | SSPA3516 | uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7122-8291] | Core |
9 | SSPA0624 | oxidoreductase (rev) [748573..749814] | [8342-9583] | Core |
10 | SSPA0099 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [9634-10329] | Core |
NC_004631 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhi str. Ty2 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | t0421 | ptsJ,transcriptional regulator (rev) [494098..495390] | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | t1196 | hypothetical protein (dir) [1264188..1264946] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | t1777 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (rev) [1839319..1839774] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | t4214 | dmsC,dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | t0574 | aldolase (dir) [650272..651075] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | t4097 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (rev) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | t4187 | heme lyase subunit NrfE (dir) [4349600..4351336] | [5335-7071] | Core |
8 | t3361 | hemX,uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7122-8291] | Core |
9 | t0669 | oxidoreductase (rev) [755720..756961] | [8342-9583] | Core |
10 | t0105 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [9634-10329] | Core |
NC_011149 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Agona str. SL483 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SeAg_B2581 | GntR family transcriptional regulator | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SeAg_B1854 | hypothetical protein (rev) [1816210..1816968] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SeAg_B2047 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (rev) [1982528..1982983] | [2153-2608] | Core |
4 | SeAg_B4570 | dmsC,dmso reductase anchor subunit (dir) | [2659-3432] | Core |
5 | SeAg_B2425 | aldolase (rev) [2347535..2348338] | [3483-4286] | Core |
6 | SeAg_B3603 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4337-5284] | Core |
7 | SeAg_B4540 | heme lyase subunit NrfE (dir) [4439396..4441618] | [5335-7557] | Core |
8 | SeAg_B4164 | uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7608-8777] | Core |
9 | SeAg_B2332 | oxidoreductase (dir) [2246983..2248224] | [8828-10069] | Core |
10 | SeAg_B0112 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10120-10815] | Core |
NC_012125 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Paratyphi C strain RKS4594 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | SPC_1223 | ptsJ,transcriptional regulator (rev) [1289302..1290594] | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | SPC_2413 | celG,hypothetical protein (rev) [2467916..2468674] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | SPC_2607 | csgB,curlin minor subunit (rev) [2644062..2644544] | [2153-2635] | Core |
4 | SPC_4370 | dmsC,dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit | [2686-3459] | Core |
5 | SPC_1422 | aldolase (dir) [1483502..1484305] | [3510-4313] | Core |
6 | SPC_3476 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4364-5311] | Core |
7 | SPC_4344 | nrfE,heme lyase subunit NrfE (dir) [4449707..4451929] | [5362-7584] | Core |
8 | SPC_4046 | hemX,uroporphyrinogen III C-methyltransferase | [7635-8804] | Core |
9 | SPC_1516 | oxidoreductase (rev) [1588064..1589347] | [8855-10138] | Core |
10 | SPC_0108 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10189-10953] | Core |
NC_017046 Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium str. 798 chromosome, complete genome. | ||||
1 | UMN798_2631 | ptsJ,transcriptional regulator (dir) [2545584..2546876] | [1-1293] | Core |
2 | UMN798_1374 | hypothetical protein (dir) [1353240..1353998] | [1344-2102] | Core |
3 | UMN798_1189 | csgB,curlin monomer nucleation protein | [2153-2635] | Core |
4 | UMN798_4668 | dmsC,dimethyl sulfoxide reductase subunit | [2686-3459] | Core |
5 | UMN798_2470 | 2,4-dihydroxyhept-2-ene-1,7-dioic acid | [3510-4313] | Core |
6 | UMN798_3707 | fmt,methionyl-tRNA formyltransferase (dir) | [4364-5311] | Core |
7 | UMN798_4638 | nrfE,formate-dependent nitrite reductase, | [5362-7584] | Core |
8 | UMN798_4273 | hemX,uroporphyrinogen III methylase (rev) | [7635-8804] | Core |
9 | UMN798_2360 | oxidoreductase (dir) [2278430..2279713] | [8855-10138] | Core |
10 | UMN798_0110 | araD,L-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase | [10189-10953] | Core |
Company Name: University of Pretoria
Email:;; talk2adey100@gmail
Phone number:+27-12-420-5802